I started writing books, because my desires fall somewhere in between sickly sweet ‘I aCcIdEnTaLlY mArRiEd a BiLliOnAiRe’ and ‘I was brutally raped and now I’ll never experience happiness again.’ This was a little harder to find than I thought. Hentai manga would sometimes get close, but I had the same problem where it would either be not evil enough or way, way, way too evil. Of course, I think if I searched long enough, I could find what I wanted, but I decided it would be faster to just write it myself and never worry if the next page was going to introduce the dreaded love triangle that made me put down so many otherwise interesting romance novels.

I do not like love triangles (I never pick the winner), so I don’t write them. I do sometimes write about polyamory or outside sexual experiences, but I don’t typically have a fully-developed character who is the ‘romantic loser’ in the book. I write books both from the perspective of the yandere and the, uh… yandered, and sometimes both. I really love villainous lovers. I like them to be just a little bad, so that you find them believable, but not so bad that they break your heart or kill you. They will toy with you, kidnap you, mind-break you, maybe hurt you just enough to scare you, but ultimately they’re only doing it for your own good. If you would stop running away, they wouldn’t have to do this to you…

I started writing from purely the target’s point of view, but over time, I found myself more interested in what was going through the mind of the mysterious villains who tortured my lovely protagonists so much. I consider it the natural progression of a yandere enthusiast.

All of my books are sexually explicit. Every last one of them. Nothing for the under 18 crowd. Personally, I find the inspiration to write books by being inspired to write a steamy hot sex scene, and the rest of the plot falls into place to make that sex scene seem plausible. There is always a theme of non-consent and dubious consent.

Most of my books end up being primarily cis-het, because I have a breeder kink and I find that easier to write with cis-het relationships, but I make plenty of exceptions (not all of which are published at the time of writing this).

I am an absolute monsterfucker. Just. Damn. I LOVE tentacles and eldritch horrors. 10/10. This is a recurring theme. Get out now while you still can.

Lastly, I’m incredibly silly. I’m very sorry about that, but I cannot write an entirely serious book. There’s gonna be a ton of shenanigans included in every single story. Plus, I’m not sure what’s wrong with me, but I put a lot of plot in with my porn. It’s just embarrassing.